Virtual Set Design

Cgangs uses Reality Engine® from Zero Density, the most photo-realistic virtual studio production solution for creating immersive real-time visual effects, compositing and rendering. Different from visual mixing softwares that uses 2D images for their “virtual sets”, Reality is based off native Unreal Engine, capable of rendering hyper-realistic 3D environment and tracking the talent within the 3D set with real-time camera tracking systems.

View our showcase of broadcast sets. »

multicam livestream virtual event
FSMOne virtual conference 2021
Virtual set
multicam livestream virtual event
FSMOne virtual conference 2021
Virtual set

Key Features


Broadcast quality compositing system

Zero Density® is the tool of choice for broadcast stations and award-winning creators around the world.

As the official technology partner in Singapore, we are here to enable you with the power of Reality Engine® for your next virtual production or narrative content.


TF1 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia® broadcast utilizing green screen keying, portal window, and ceiling extension. Set designed by Dreamwall. Images courtesy of TF1.

Set Extension

Experience the seamless combination of reality and virtuality with our Virtual Set Design services. Create unlimited set designs with real-time rendered visuals that are indistinguishable from reality. Expand your studio’s space with Augmented Reality or extend its boundaries with Virtual Set Extension, transforming the look and feel of your set with ease.


Live Augmented Reality / Real-time VFX

Bring your live broadcasts to life with our cutting-edge AR technology. Enhance your storytelling with stunning 3D graphics and animations that seamlessly blend into the physical space.


Reality Engine® uses Unreal Engine by Epic Games, the most photo-realistic real-time game engine, as the 3D renderer. With advanced real-time visual effects capabilities, Reality System ensures the most photo-realistic composite output possible.

Camera Tracking

Our virtual studio system supports industry standard mechanical and optical camera tracking systems. By deploying this tracking technology on any broadcast camera, we are able to achieve dynamic camera movements.

Talent Tracking

When the talent tracking data acquired by Reality Engine®, the engine positions the talent inside the virtual world in the correct position and depth. This technology automatically enables the creation of accurate reflections and refractions of the talent, achieving a realism of the real subject in virtual world.

Real 3D space virtual Compositing

As a unique approach in the market, in Reality, the green screen image is composited with graphics in the 3D scene. This technique results in real-time realistic reflections and refractions of the physical objects and the people inside the green screen on top of the graphics. Also, blooming effects and lens flares are composited over the real elements.

Exceptional keying results

Reality Keyer® is the world’s first and only real-time image-based keyer that works on GPU. Reality Keyer® provides spectacular results for keying contact shadows, transparent objects and sub-pixel details like hair.

Videowall / Portal Window

By using camera tracking data, we can convert videowalls into a portal to a virtual environment. Combining portal window with virtual ceiling extension, we are able to have a virtual studio without green screen.

Level up your next production.

Stay ahead of your competition with our next level 3D virtual studio production capabilities.